
Recommended Reading

The following is a brief list of books, among many others, that we have personally found to be of great encouragement. In this journey, these have helped us to grow in our understanding of what the Lord Himself is after and to throw some much-needed light on this Christian life. We pray these have the same encouragement for you as you seek to follow Him and explore the unsearchable riches of Christ. Some of these writings are old and some new, some from saints who have passed on to glory and others who are still with us. All leave a timeless wealth of insight for the body of Christ. We are all the better for it, and we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. I have grouped these together by author.


The Stewardship of the Mystery – T.Austin Sparks

Come and Taste and See That Jesus Christ Is Infinitely More Than You Ever Imagined

Very few men in the history of the Church have ever spoken with the clarity, depth, and passion of T. Austin Sparks on God’s “eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Ephesians 3:11). It is a theme so little understood in today’s floundering Church that it is seldom even mentioned. As a highly revered voice from our past, Sparks brings to this generation of believers a vision of the greatness of Christ that will transform lives with His fullness and power. Our difficulty always will be to comprehend, to grasp, to bring that excellent greatness of God’s eternal grace, that transcendent fullness of Christ, within the compass of our everyday lives and practical experiences. yet He is the One whom we desperately need to know.Although it is so far beyond our natural comprehension, it is the good pleasure of God to reveal His Son in our lives by His Spirit. An ever-growing, inexhaustible conception of Christ is yours for the seeking and asking!


Gods Spiritual House – T.Austin Sparks

In a time when everyone is trying to rediscover the church, a voice comes to us from the past that shines like a great light in our utter darkness. T. Austin-Sparks is a prophetic voice to this generation and his words are as real and relevant as they were in his time.In God’s Spiritual House Sparks speaks out with compelling force that man cannot redefine the church until Christ has come to repossess the Church. God’s house is not a denomination, it is not a network, it is not a building and it is not an organization. It is Christ Himself in undivided oneness found in all those in whom He really dwells.With shocking clarity Sparks announces that we are not the Church. It is the measure of Christ in us that constitutes the Church as God’s spiritual house.



The School of Christ – T Austin-Sparks

The School of Christ by T Austin-Sparks A series of addresses originally published in A Witness and A Testimony magazine in 1942-43. Vols 20-3 through 21-4. Subsequently published by Witness and Testimony Publishers as a book in multiple editions, this version is from Emmanuel Church, Tulsa, OK. The spoken form has been retained in printing.






The Centrality and Supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ – T.Austin Sparks

It is upon the centrality and supremacy of the Son of God’s love that we shall dwell as the Lord will enable us. The Word of God brings into view four spheres in which that thought and purpose of God concerning the Son of His love is to be realized. There is the sphere of the believer’s own individual life; then secondly, there is the sphere of the Church which is His Body; in the third place there is the sphere of the kingdoms of this world, the nations of the earth; and in the fourth place He is to be central and supreme in the whole universe, heaven and earth and what is under the earth. (This book can be downloaded for free at Austin-Sparks.Net)



Prophetic Ministry – T.Austin Sparks

Biblical prophets called God’s people to clear spiritual vision and holy living. The need for holiness is as urgent for today’s Church as it was for the Old Testament Jews. This reprint of a classic book by the late T. Austin Sparks, a British pastor, paints a fresh picture of the prophet and challenges the Body of Christ to once again proclaim God’s presence among the nations of the world!





The Normal Christian Life – Watchman Nee

This great Christian classic unfolds the theme of Christ our Life. Nee reveals the secret of spiritual strength and vitality that should be the normal experience of every Christian. His fresh spiritual insights on the cross and resurrection of Christ have proven a blessing to many.






Against the Tide – Angus I. Kinnear

Watchman Nee stood against the tide of Chinese Marxist atheism and Communism in the first half of the twentieth century. Once described as; The most dangerous man in China; Watchman Nee was imprisoned for his faith and sentenced to 20 years hard labor, brainwashing and physical torture. It is almost certain that in all that time he was not allowed a Bible but relied on the many passages he had committed to memory. Nee once observed following a severe trial of faith: To keep our hand to the plough while wiping away our tears – that is Christianity.; Yet he was able to testify in his last letter before his death to the joy that was still in his heart. This biography takes us from his birth, through his conversion and extraordinary life to his death, and includes new information concerning his last few years and the persecution of his beloved wife Charity after his trial and imprisonment.


The Release of the Spirit – Watchman Nee

Anyone who serves God will discover sooner or later that the great hindrances he has in the Lord’s work is not others, but himself. He will discover that his outward man (soul) is not in harmony with his inward man (spirit). Both tend to go toward two opposite directions from each other. He will also sense the inability of his outward man to submit to the inner control of his regenerated spirit. His greatest difficulty lies in his outward man, which hinders him from using his spirit. Each one of us has as much of the same “Jacob-nature” in us. Our only hope is that the Lord may blaze a way out of us, breaking our outward man- breaking it to such a degree that the inward man may come out and be seen. This is precious! This is the way to serve the Lord.



Love Not the World – Watchman Nee

In this hard-hitting and controversial book, the great Chinese writer and preacher Watchman nee states that there is a Satanic power behind every worldly thing and that the natural tendency of every worldly system such as politics, education, literature, science, art and music is to move away from God and Towards Satan. How can the Christian live and work in these systems, but not be of the world?





The Spiritual Man – Watchman Nee

This is a complete presentation on the workings of the human spirit and soul and body. The book aims at delivering people from the tyranny of self life with its carnality and from the domination of the passions and lusts of the flesh. It attempts to lead them to the full salvation of Christ. It is not to be taken as a manual but as a guide to true spirituality. It is recommended that this three volume work be read quickly through once. Then, lay it aside and wait until the Holy Spirit leads one into a certain stage of spiritual life when knowledge and understanding are needed. Turn, then to the special section of the book dealing with that particular experience for enlightenment. Thus, it will be realized that in Thy light, shall we see light (Ps. 36.9 ). May God use this book to help people in their journeying towards the spiritual.



The Community Life of God – Milt Rodriguez

A new way of seeing that the headwaters for all church life and form is the community life of the Father, Son, and Spirit. This is both theological and practical. The corporate life that God lives by (eternal life) is the same that He gives to us. This is a life of loving one another and Jesus said that it comes from heaven (John 17). This community life is both the engine and the fuel for our lives together as believers, the backbone of organic church life.





The Priesthood of All Believers – Milt Rodriguez

In this revolutionary book, Milt Rodriguez has us take a new look at both the wine and the wineskin. The dynamic life of God’s own Son cannot be contained within the rigid walls of the religious system. Milt pulls back the scales from our eyes to enable us to see God’s eternal purpose and goal. Then he uses the picture of the priesthood to show us the difference between the levitical priesthood and the eternal priesthood of Melchizedek. The order of Melchizedek operates by the power of an endless life! Life always determines form.

God’s goal is that the fullness of Christ would be expressed through His body. This cannot happen with our present-day church practices. A revolution must take place where the centrality of Jesus Christ is supreme, and every member of the body functions under His direct headship. Milt shows us how this can be possible in our present-day situation. This book will not only shake your thoughts on church life, it will challenge you to take the torch of radical church reform into the 21st century!


The Temple Within – Milt Rodriguez

Today’s Christianity has some serious weaknesses, but none greater than our lack of depth in knowing Christ Himself. We know many things; doctrines, teachings, and theological systems abound! We know the scriptures through and through but do we really know the One who is the living Word of God?

Milt Rodriguez takes us on a journey through the scriptures using one particular vehicle: the Temple of God. He shows us how the physical Temple is only a picture of something much greater, deeper, and higher. The Temple is a picture of Christ and this Christ lives within every true believer.

Milt shares with us sights into some of the most important, and yet ignored, revelations in the bible. What did Paul mean when he used the phrase “Christ in you”? What does it mean to be “in Christ”? Understanding these things are key to knowing how to fellowship with an indwelling Christ. Our outward walk and works must be the result of a deep inward fellowship with Jesus Christ.


The Butterfly in You – Milt Rodriguez

Take a scriptural journey down the path of discovering who you are in Christ. This is how God sees you. This book will open your eyes to see the new you in Him!






The Mystery of God Christ All and in All – Manfred Haller

The foundation for everything is Jesus Christ Himself. Not a doctrine, not a belief system, not any particular church practice or creed. But simply, the Person of Christ Himself. I’m speaking of His life and His Spirit. To put it plainly, we just have not built upon that foundation. Instead, we have built upon teachings about Christ, or personalities or man-made structures. But we have not tapped into the one source for all New Testament truth and practice; Christ in you, the hope of glory!

Manfred Haller skillfully takes us back to our spiritual roots. He takes us back to our true Foundation in order that the glory may return to His temple.



The Ultimate Intention – Deverne Fromke

Scores of pastors and teachers testify, “THIS CHANGED MY LIFE AND MINISTRY.” This is possibly this writer’s best book; in it he traces God’s eternal purpose for mankind, God’s rectifying work through the cross, and the glory of sonship. Whether you are a lay Christian or involved in ministry, your life will never be the same after reading this book! Every believer will be deeply impressed by a thorough reading of DeVern Fromke’s classic setting forth the importance of God-centeredness for the normal Christian life. Beginning with an unfolding of God’s eternal purpose which He purposed for Himself in eternity past, the various chapters set forth t

he importance of a God-centered view of reality as the only environment nurturing proper spiritual growth. It is not an exaggeration to say that this volume has radically altered many people’s understanding of the Christian life, lifting it beyond the pale of “self-interest” and into the only realm it was intended to be lived–with God as Center! This new reprint includes a study guide and can be used for personal or group study. We highly recommend using it to spur spiritual growth in your church.


Insurgence Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom

Why does the allegiance that radical terrorists give to their false cause exceed the allegiance that most Christians today give to Jesus Christ?

In Insurgence, bestselling author Frank Viola presents a radical proposal for Christians. Namely, that we have lost the explosive, earthshaking gospel of the kingdom that Jesus, Paul, and the other apostles preached. Viola argues that we’ve lost this dynamic, titanic, living gospel and exchanged it for a gospel of religious duty or permissiveness and “easy believism.”

In today’s politically charged era, Christians on the progressive left, as well as the conservative right both, equate their particular viewpoints with the kingdom of God. Viola challenges and dismantles these perspectives, offering a fresh and revolutionary look at the gospel of the kingdom. Viola writes with gripping power, challenging Christians to embrace an unparalleled allegiance to Jesus Christ and his kingdom. This high-octane message is being reclaimed today, launching a spiritual insurgence.


Pagan Christianity – Frank Viola and George Barna

Have you ever wondered why we Christians do what we do for church every Sunday morning? Why do we “dress up” for church? Why does the pastor preach a sermon each week? Why do we have pews, steeples, choirs, and seminaries? This volume reveals the startling truth: most of what Christians do in present-day churches is not rooted in the New Testament, but in pagan culture and rituals developed long after the death of the apostles. Coauthors Frank Viola and George Barna support their thesis with compelling historical evidence in the first-ever book to document the full story of modern Christian church practices.



Reimagining Church – Frank Viola

A revolution is moving through the body of Christ, challenging the spiritual status quo and redefining the very notion of corporate worship. A movement inspired by the divine design for holy fellowship. A fresh concept rooted in ancient history.






From Eternity to Here – Frank Viola

Discover the sweeping story of God’s eternal plan.
Deep within God’s Word lies a wondrous story like no other. A drama that unfolded before time began. An epic saga that resonates with the heartbeat of God. A story that reveals nothing less than the meaning of life and God’s great mission in the earth.

From Here to Eternity presents three remarkable stories spanning from Genesis to Revelation. Each story traces a divine theme that is woven throughout scripture. Seen together, they offer an extraordinary glimpse into God’s highest passion and grand mission. What you discover will forever change your view of life, the church, and our magnificent God.


Jesus Manifesto – Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola

“So that in everything He might have the supremacy.”—Colossians 1:18

Christians have made the gospel about so many things—things other than Christ. Religious concepts, ideas, doctrines, strategies, methods, techniques, formulas, “its” and “things” have all eclipsed the beauty, the glory, and the reality of the Lord Jesus Himself. On the whole, Christians today are starved for a real experience of the living Christ. We know a lot about our Lord, but we don’t know Him very well. We know a lot about trying to be like Jesus, but very little about living by His indwelling life.



Hinds Feet on High Places – Hannah Hurnard

With over 2 million copies sold, Hinds’ Feet on High Places remains Hannah Hurnard’s best-known and most beloved book: a timeless allegory dramatizing the yearning of God’s children to be led to new heights of love, joy, and victory. In this moving tale, follow Much-Afraid on her spiritual journey as she overcomes many dangers and mounts at last to the High Places. There she gains a new name and is transformed by her union with the loving Shepherd. Included in this special edition (February 2009 release) is Hannah Hurnard’s own account of the circumstances that led her to write Hinds’ Feet, and a brief autobiography. Special edition also features a new cover design.




Experiencing The Depths of Jesus Christ – Jeanne Guyon

One of the most influential spiritual books ever penned, even secular historians acknowledge the great impact Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ has had in Christian history. Madame Guyon is generally credited, even by her enemies, as being one of the best-known women in church history. Will Durant, in his 11-volume Story of Civilization, recounts the impact of Jeanne Guyon’s life and writings on French history.
At one time this book was publicly burned in France, and yet it has also been received by seeking Christians as one of the most helpful and powerful Christian books ever written. Penned by one of Christianity’s most famous saints, Jeanne Guyon, it has played a major part in the lives of more famous Christians than perhaps any other Christian book. Here is the very first edition written in modern English.
Watchman Nee saw that this book was translated into Chinese, and made available to every new convert of The Little Flock. Fenelon, Count Zinzenforf, John Wesley, the early Quakers, Jessie Penn-Lewis and Hudson Taylor all highly recommended it to the believers of their day. This book will introduce you to a  whole new and deeper relationship to Jesus Christ.


100 Days in the Secret Place – Compiled writings of Jeanne Guyon, Francois Fenelon and Michael Molinos by Gene Edwards

Bored with the exercises of religious ritualism and parched by the teaching of dry dogma, man searches for a way back home to the place of His presence. Unfortunately, this journey inward is a “road less travelled”, and too few have found the way. Gene Edwards, the master storyteller, has gathered together the writing of three Christian mystics from the seventeenth century: Michael Molinos, Madam Guyon, and Francois Fenelon, The writings of these “masters of the spiritual way” will be as lampposts leading the weary traveller towards that secret place lovingly created by the Father. The writings of Molinos, Guyon, and Fenelon will bring you to the brink of your own humanity as they lure you to step over the threshold into the world where God has prepared a special place just for you. Are you living in a drought of spiritual dryness? Are you lost in the depths of spiritual loneliness? Are you longing for a moment of spiritual reality? Then 100 Days in a Secret Place is your way out!


The Torch of the Testimony – John W Kennedy

The 2,000-year history of those Christians – and churches – that have stood outside the Protestant-Catholic tradition. This book was originally published in India in 1964 and is little known in the Western world. Beginning in the first century, John Kennedy traces the history of Christian groups who remained outside formalized religion down through the ages. A stirring, passionate and sometimes heart-rending story of suffering to the centrality of Christ within the Body of Christ.

John W. Kennedy is from Great Britain but has lived in India since 1952 ministering among indigenous and apostolic Christian groups.



Life Together – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

In Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, renowned Christian minister, professor, and author of The Cost of Discipleship recounts his unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years in Germany. Giving practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained in families and groups, Life Together is bread for all who are hungry for the real life of Christian fellowship.






